Wednesday, February 22, 2012

New Prints and...

First of all I want to let you know that three new prints are available in my print shop.

Snow White

Next I have a quick note to say that from now on my posts are going to be on Wednesday. (hence here is one on Wednesday)

And C
I am introducing a new part to my blog that I want to call This has nothing to do with art. When you see that heading you can know that what follows will have nothing to do with art. It may have nothing to do with anything... I get to decide. yea. fun.

This has nothing to do with art

I watched this Tedtalk yesterday and really liked it. It has nothing to do with art but I admit that in a lot of way I can relate the ideas to being creative. I think it's worth a watch. (side note: I believe there is some swearing, you've been warned.)

Love this art? Buy Prints or Cards and Gifts illustrated by Manelle. 


  1. Jessi5:02 PM

    Great choices in new prints. :)

    The pictures you sent arrived in great shape. They're fantastic. Thanks!

  2. I am not really into the painted fingernails but I did see your portfolio today at BDAC. I am sorry I didn't get a chance to meet you but your portfolio was awesome! Well put together and very consistent. Keep up the hard work.

  3. Thanks guys. Jessi I'm glad you got the prints. Yea!



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